What is Motivational Coaching?

Motivational coaching is designed to help you discover and fulfil your potential.
During the coaching process, you will learn how to set goals and how to achieve them while relying on your inner motivation.
With the right support and guidance, you will be able to overcome obstacles and achieve your dreams.

Why choose motivational coaching?

Motivational coaching is not just a conversation - it's a scientifically based method that helps:

✓ Set clear goals and achieve them

✓ Overcome inner obstacles and fears

✓ Discover and activate your hidden resources

✓ Make a sustainable change in your life

For whom do we recommend motivational coaching?

✓ For leaders who want to become more motivating, inspiring leaders

✓ For professionals who are thinking about a career change or promotion

✓ Entrepreneurs who want to take their business to a new level

✓ For anyone who feels they can do more but needs support, who wants to make a change in their life or leave their comfort zone behind...

Why CoachLab, why us?

We know that the key to success lies within everyone - our role is to help you find it and activate it. That's what we're good at!

"A coaching is not about telling you what to do. It's about helping you discover what you can do."

Have you ever felt that there is more to you?

There comes a point in your life when you know you need a change. When you feel you can do more, but something is holding you back...
This is exactly what motivational coaching helps you to do: to find the inner strength that will take you forward on your journey.

"Your future is in your hands! Do not delay, do not procrastinate, take the first step today."

Róbert Radó

CoachLab Senior Executive Coach, experienced top executive, businessman, investor

"Success is not an accident, it is a choice."

Stephen R. Covey

Renowned business bestseller author, speaker, business trainer, university professor, businessman

"The biggest risk is not taking a risk."

Mark Zuckerberg

Inventor, businessman, CEO, Facebook, co-founder of Meta Platforms

"The only way to do your job well is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle."

Steve Jobs

Genius Inventor, Technology Pioneer, Businessman, Investor, CEO, Apple & NeXT Co-Founder

Do you find it difficult to find a motivational balance?

You are not alone. We are here to help!

Az élet kihívásai gyakran próbára teszik a motivációnkat, és időnként elérhetetlennek tűnnek céljaink. Ez természetes, és nem vagy egyedül ezekkel az érzésekkel. A motivation hullámzó, de mindig újraépíthető. Mi itt vagyunk, hogy támogassunk abban, hogy újra megtaláld a lendületed, és hosszú távon is fenntartsd azt, miközben magabiztosan haladsz az álmaid felé. Egy támogató CoachLab Coach can help you regain your strength and perseverance.

How do we help?

Our motivational coaching service helps you to clarify your goals, identify your strengths and persevere. We take a personalised approach to help you overcome obstacles, boost your confidence and develop strategies that will sustainably increase your motivation. We aim to help you not only achieve but exceed your own expectations, while providing a supportive and inspiring environment.


No idea?
We give you some ideas:

Objective and design development

We'll help you define exactly what you want to achieve, and work with you step-by-step to get there.

Increasing self-confidence and inner strength

We support you to recognise your own values and to face challenges with more confidence and stability.

Maintain your motivation and deal with difficulties

We help you keep your momentum and turn challenges into opportunities.

Manage your time and increase your efficiency

We can help you set up an effective system to better prioritise your tasks so that you can more easily move towards your goals.

motivational coaching
motivational coaching

Finding and maintaining healthy motivation can be difficult, but with CoachLab it's much easier

Fluctuations in motivation are natural, but with the right support it is easier to get back on track. A CoachLab provides tools and strategies to help you discover your inner resources, overcome challenges and build a solid foundation for achieving your goals. Together, we'll work with you to not only achieve, but maintain your momentum while staying balanced and confident on your journey.

Find your momentum with email Coaching

Monthly e-mail with motivational coaching

Need an extra boost in your everyday life? Want to keep your goals in focus while getting constant inspiration? With our monthly email motivational coaching, we can help you do just that!

What do you get when you join our email coaching service?

✓ Weekly motivational messages: Inspiring thoughts, practical advice and personal support to keep you on track.

✓ Tailored tasks: We send you exercises that will help you increase your focus and momentum.

✓ Continuous development: We will regularly monitor your progress and support you in overcoming obstacles.

✓ Flexible connection: Everything is done by e-mail, so help is available anytime, anywhere.

How does it work?

  1. Apply for the programme in a few simple steps.
  2. Every week you'll receive personalised emails full of inspiration and advice.
  3. If you have a question, anytime write to us and we will reply!

Why choose us?

This coaching is perfect if you want to develop yourself in a flexible but effective way. You don't need to make appointments, yet you can feel in a supportive environment.

Join today and take the first step towards a more motivated, balanced you!

Start working towards your goals and experience what it feels like to have motivation at your fingertips.


Discover the secrets of motivation! An inspiring e-book for you:

Are you stuck in achieving your goals, or just looking for a new boost?
This e-book is designed to help you regain your energy, set your goals and stay motivated in your daily life. It supports you with easy-to-use tips and exercises to become your best self!


What can you find in the e-book?

Goal-setting strategies: how to set achievable yet inspiring goals.

Maintaining motivation: techniques for managing ups and downs and maintaining momentum.

Effective time management: tools for prioritisation and efficient planning.

Building self-confidence: exercises to help you recognise and harness your potential.

And much more...

Step forward with confidence and start on the road to success!
It's available in downloadable format, ready to be accessed at any time and ready to inspire you every day.

Motivational Coaching e-book to master the motivation level Step Level CoachLab


"Motivational coaching has given my life a whole new impetus! I used to procrastinate, but now I have a clearer vision of my goals and a clear plan. The emails always arrive just when I need a little extra inspiration. Thanks for the support!"

Judith K.

Project Manager

"I never thought an outside perspective could be so helpful! The coaching not only made me more motivated, but also taught me how to deal with stressful situations. I am now much more confident in moving towards my goals."


Entrepreneur, Freelancer

"Each chapter is like having a coach sitting next to me or a personal advisor. The exercises helped me to get clear about what I wanted to achieve and how I could maintain my motivation. I just love that I can pull it out whenever I feel like I need an extra boost."

Thomas S.

Purchasing Manager

"Motivational Coaching and the book have completely changed my attitude towards my goals! The advice is so easy to understand and apply that I felt the change after the first week. Today I don't just dream about success, I do it, and it feels fantastic!"

T. M. Anna

"During the motivational coaching sessions I discovered perspectives I hadn't thought of before. I am now running a successful business and finally doing what I always wanted to do."

Olga Kopornoky


"After three months of coaching, I finally had the courage to change. I now work on an international project and my salary has doubled."

Péter Várady

Software Developer, Scrum Master

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Mik az önbizalomhiány legfőbb jelei? – Útmutató a felismeréshez és a változáshoz

Mik az önbizalomhiány legfőbb jelei? – Útmutató a felismeréshez és a változáshoz Az önbizalomhiány egy gyakori probléma, amely sokak életét befolyásolja, legyen szó személyes kapcsolatokról, karrierről vagy általános életminőségről. De hogyan ismerhetjük fel, hogy...

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Mivel foglalkozik egy életvezetési coach szakember és miért érdemes hozzá fordulni?

Az életvezetési coach szakemberrel való munka egy befektetés önmagadba és jövődbe. A professzionális támogatással gyorsabban és hatékonyabban érheted el céljaidat, miközben fejlődik önismereted és problémamegoldó képességed.

Életvezetési tanácsadás: Hogyan hozd ki a legtöbbet az életedből?

Életvezetési tanácsadás: Hogyan hozd ki a legtöbbet az életedből?

Az életvezetési tanácsadás egy befektetés önmagadba és a jövődbe. A megfelelő támogatással és elkötelezettséggel jelentős pozitív változásokat érhetsz el életed minden területén.

Az életvezetési tanácsadás hatékony eszköz lehet személyes és szakmai fejlődésed során. A kulcs a megfelelő tanácsadó kiválasztása és az aktív részvétel a folyamatban. Ahogy egy ügyfelünk fogalmazott: „Az életvezetési tanácsadás nemcsak problémáim megoldásában segített, hanem egy teljesen új perspektívát adott az életemhez.”

Some relevant, common questions

Find your question and the answer!

How long does a motivational coaching process take?

In general, prepare for 3-6 months of cooperation, 1 meeting per week. The exact duration depends on your goals.

What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

A coaching focused on the present and the future, a goal-oriented process. We do not deal with past traumas.

How does motivational coaching work in email?

With motivational coaching, you will receive weekly emails full of inspiration, practical advice and personalised tasks. You can work through these flexibly, at your own pace, and contact us at any time if you have questions.

Who is motivational coaching recommended for?

This coaching is for people who want to get more momentum in their lives, set and achieve their goals and deal with difficulties more effectively. Whether you are looking for a new path or just need a little extra inspiration, this is the place for you!

How is this coaching different from other methods?

Our coaching is simple, yet effective. You don't need to make appointments or attend meetings - support is delivered directly to your email inbox, with personalised content to help you stay motivated in your everyday life.

Is the coaching online or in person?

We offer coaching in both forms. Online coaching is generally preferred because it is just as effective and offers greater flexibility.

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