Life Coaching - Life Coach

Introduction to Life Coaching

This introductory chapter defines life coaching, detailing its purpose and how it can bring about positive changes in the client's life. It also outlines for whom and in which life situations it is recommended to use CoachLab's Life Coaching services.

What is Life Coaching's?

Life coaching is a professional form of support, coaching and counselling, which aims to optimise the personal and professional life of the client = coachee. A life coach helps to define goals, set the path to achieve them and maintain the motivation to achieve them. It supports the client in bringing out the best possible version of him/herself.

The essence of coaching is that the coach does not give ready-made solutions, but rather encourages the client to set and achieve goals independently, relying on his or her own resources. In the process, obstacles are identified, new perspectives are developed and step by step progress is made towards the desired state.

The history of Life Coaching

* Life Coaching's began in the 1980s, when the methods of sports coaches were applied to personal development. It quickly became popular and is now widely recognised and used as a development method.

The purpose of Life Coaching

Its fundamental aim is to make a positive difference in the client's life by:

  • Increases self-awareness and self-confidence
  • Helps you to set goals and make progress towards them
  • Contributes to more efficient time management and priority management
  • Promotes a healthy and balanced lifestyle
  • Helping to balance career and private life

This coaching ultimately aims to maximise the well-being, satisfaction and performance of the client.

Who is Life Coaching for?

Coaching is a wide-ranging service that can help people of different ages and life situations:

  • People about to change career or career path
  • Entrepreneurs and managers
  • People suffering from burnout or stress
  • People looking for goals and direction
  • People who want change, development
  • People who want a healthier lifestyle
  • People who want to improve their time and self-management skills

Regardless of age, background or situation, life coaching can be a useful tool for everyone to live a more conscious, purposeful life.

The Life Coaching process and methodology

Life Coaching The process and methodology of Life Coaching

The first consultation

The coaching process starts with an initial consultation where the coach and the client (coachee) get to know each other. The coach explores the client's situation, challenges and goals. They discuss expectations and how coaching can help the client. This is the basis for the subsequent collaboration.

The purpose of the first meeting is for the coach and the client, the client, the coachee to get to know each other, to map out the situation, expectations and possibilities. This is the basis for future cooperation.


A young woman feels her life is going in the wrong direction. In the first consultation, the coach will help you to work out what it is you really want - whether it's in a career, a relationship or anything else. This lays the groundwork for working together.

Objective and action plans

In the initial phase, the coach helps the client to clarify and prioritise his/her goals in relation to his/her life areas (career, health, relationships, etc.). A concrete action plan is then developed to achieve the goals step-by-step. The plan includes deadlines, feedback points and milestones.

Objectives and action plans: the coach's task is to define objectives in agreement with the client and then plan detailed steps to achieve them.


A middle manager feels stuck in his career. The coach highlights your strengths and together they set a goal to get you into a senior management position within 1 year. An action plan is drawn up for networking, training, etc.

Role of the Life Coach

The life coach's primary role is to provide support and guidance throughout the process. It identifies obstacles, suggests alternative approaches and strategies. Motivates the client to persevere with his/her goals. Holds the client accountable for his/her progress. But ultimately the client is responsible for action and change.

The role of the Life Coach: the coach does not solve the client's problems, but guides, supports, motivates and gives feedback on the way to the client's goals.


A couple decides they want to have a child, but one of them is experiencing uncertainty. The coach helps them to explore their concerns, look at the situation from a new perspective and find their inner motivation. Although this is bordering on coaching and psychology, if they focus on the present and the future, it is a perfect coaching topic, but if they go towards the past, it would be therapy, i.e. a psychologist can help.

Inquiry and problem solving

In coaching sessions, the coach continuously monitors the client's progress. Challenges are discussed and resolved together. If necessary, action plans are modified. The coach gives objective feedback and helps the client to gain a new perspective.

And the whole process continues until the client reaches their goals. Or they agree to end the process. At the end, they evaluate the results achieved and prepare for self-promotion.

Accountability and problem-solving: the coach will follow the client through the process, react to obstacles, review and modify action plans if necessary.

Example: an insecure, aimless, vacillating lady wants to change her lifestyle. The coach keeps her goals in focus with regular consultations, discusses the difficulties she is facing and solves them together step by step.

What is Life Coaching for?

Life Coaching Life Coaching What is Life Coaching for?

This section details how this service can be used to address a wide range of challenges and life situations - be it career, self-confidence, personal development, health, relationships or anything else. Relevant examples and case studies support and aid understanding.

Careers and work

This type of mentoring is an excellent way to develop your career and address workplace challenges. It can help you set goals, explore motivation and develop skills. It provides support for career changes, business start-ups and career progression opportunities. It can highlight strengths and obstacles.


A talented leader feels lost in his position. The process helps them to redefine their goals, rethink their career options, identify steps to take and gradually move towards an internal training programme.

Confidence and motivation

Coaching can develop self-awareness, self-confidence and a positive attitude. It can help us find the inner motivation and perseverance to achieve our goals. It can also address negative beliefs, inhibitions and reservations. With the right strategies, you can increase self-motivation.


A teenager is constantly struggling with self-pity and feelings of inferiority. With the help of a coach, you will uncover the roots of your self-doubt, break down barriers, discover your strengths and gradually become more confident.

Personal development

This coaching can facilitate personal growth by making you more aware, by highlighting your goals and values. It can help you set long- and short-term goals in different areas of your life. It helps us to live according to our true values.


A middle-aged woman feels that her life is monotonous and routine. The coach will map out the areas where she would like to make changes, and then take her step by step towards a more conscious, fulfilling life.

Health and lifestyle

Coaching can be an effective support in developing a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. It can help to identify barriers to change and eliminate harmful habits. It can provide motivation for healthier eating, regular exercise, stress management and general lifestyle changes.


An overweight man realises he needs to change his lifestyle for his health. The coach assesses his situation and together they set weight loss and fitness goals. They go step-by-step with the introduction of a diet and exercise programme, while the coach provides ongoing encouragement and accountability.

Work Life Balance (WLB)

Coaching can help you find a healthy balance between work, career and personal life. It can help you think through priorities and set priorities. It can give advice on time management, stress management and balancing different roles.


A senior manager feels that he lives entirely for his job, neglecting his family and himself. With the help of a coach, the causes of the imbalance are identified and healthier habits and a better time management are gradually introduced into his life.

Relationships, relationships and family life

This is the coaching can contribute to improving relationships and family life by raising awareness of values and goals in this area. It can help to learn communication and conflict resolution techniques. It also provides support in managing change and decisions.


A couple feel they have grown apart over the years. In pair and individual sessions, the coach works with them to identify the main problems, develop a new approach and solutions to rebuild the relationship.

Life goals and values

This process can also be about how to be true to our true values. With the help of a counsellor, we can explore what our main goals and life stages are, what our core priorities are. In this way we can shape our lives more consciously and find decisive answers to dilemmas.


A middle-aged woman faces a choice between staying in her well-paid but increasingly unsatisfying job. The coach helps her to reflect on her values, her goals and to make sacrifices for her well-being.

Life situations and challenges

Life CoachingLife situations and challenges

This section shows how this supportive process can help you cope with a wide range of life situations and challenges - be it career, stress, change or time management issues. The examples illustrate the possibilities through concrete cases.

This form of counselling can help you deal with many life situations and challenges. Here are some common examples:

Career change or development

Many people feel at some point in their career that they need to change, clarify or redesign their career. A counsellor can explore with them their situation, their goals and their options. Together they can work out steps towards a new direction or progression.


A lawyer realised he wanted to leave the profession. The process helps you to rethink your motivations, reassess your strengths and set a new career path in line with your true interests.

Managing burnout and stress

Chronic stress at work, constant tension, often leads to burnout. A counsellor can help identify and address the root causes. He can suggest new stress management techniques, setting boundaries and lifestyle changes to help you recover.


A manager is exhausted by constant overwork, constant stress. The step-by-step process helps you to regain balance in your life.

Changes and decisions

At any stage of life, we can face difficult decisions or unexpected changes. In such cases, an impartial but supportive advisory relationship can help you to think through the situation and take the right steps.


A mother has to move with her children because of a job transfer. The counsellor helps her to think through all the options, prepare for the change and cope with the challenges of the transition.

Time management and efficiency

Many people struggle with time pressure or prioritisation in a fast-paced world. The process can reveal the causes of time wastage and introduce new systems and techniques to increase productivity.


An entrepreneur feels increasingly lost in the never-ending tasks. With mentoring, he learns to filter out the unimportant tasks, setting priorities that reflect his values.

Creating a work-life balance

For many, finding the right balance between work, career and personal life is a challenge. A supportive counselling process can help to achieve this.


A mother feels that her work is at the expense of her children. A mentor helps her to identify the reasons and think about her priorities. Together they reduce her overload and develop a healthier family schedule.

Addressing health problems

An unexpected illness, injury or permanent health problem can have a serious impact on your lifestyle. A counsellor can help you adapt to the new situation, find resources and ways to cope.


A man is paralysed following an accident. In the process, he learns to manage his new physical limitations, redefines his goals and gradually reintegrates into society.

Resolving relationship difficulties

In relationships, family or other close relationships, disputes and conflicts often arise. With the help of a mentor, basic problems and disagreements can be clarified and communication can be improved.


An estranged couple is getting a divorce. With the help of a counsellor, they identify the underlying sources of tension, work out new solutions and help them to resolve their relationship.

Clarifying life goals and values

As part of such a counselling process, we can explore what our main life goals and core values are. We can consider whether our current life path is in line with these and what changes are needed to achieve authenticity.


A middle-aged man faces a choice between staying in his high-paying but increasingly unsatisfying job. The counsellor will help you think through your values and priorities to help you make the right decision.

Prices - Life Coaching Prices and Service Packages - Packages and Prices

Prices - Life Coaching Prices and service packages

This chapter describes the typical pricing and package structures for coaching services - whether short term or longer, more intensive programmes. The focus is on the different example packages, their content and pricing. For pinpoint prices, please contact us for a quote. Or check our prices on LIFE COACHING AREA - LIFE COACH AREA - CoachLab On our site.

This kind of personalised coaching or, where appropriate, advice and support is certainly not free. Typical prices and packages are as follows:

Life Coaching prices = Life coaching prices

Based on the results of the market research on prices (2024), there are varying price levels in Hungary and Budapest. Prices are generally based on individual services, package offers and experience. On average, prices range from 10,000 to 50,000 HUF for a one-hour coaching session.

Prices for 1-3 month Life Coaching packages

Short programmes, lasting 1-3 months, are designed to address specific, targeted problems or challenges. This may include preparing for a career change, stress management or decision preparation.

3 months packages: 150.000 Ft

The package includes:

  • 6 face-to-face/online consultations
  • Unlimited email support
  • Setting an objective, preparing an action plan
  • Mid-term and final evaluation

6 months general Life Coaching package price

Most people choose this six-month package to achieve more holistic life goals or more comprehensive changes. Career building, lifestyle change, balance or personal development may be the focus.

6 months package price: 320.000 Ft

Contents of the package:

  • 12 consultation sessions
  • Dedicated online support
  • Detailed objective and action planning
  • Continuous monitoring, reviews
  • Personalised homework
  • Gift motivation booklet

Premium annual Life Coaching package prices

The longest, most intensive programme is for those who want to make deep, sustainable changes in several areas. All aspects of career and personal life, health, relationships, personality can be addressed.

Annual package price: 580.000 Ft

Details of the package:

  • 24 personal consultations
  • 1 personality test, with results and discussion
  • unlimited email/chat support
  • Defining overall life goals, values
  • Preparation of detailed action plans
  • Ongoing monitoring, reporting
  • Homework, motivational techniques
  • Six-monthly and annual review
  • Gift self-awareness e-book

Promotions, discounts

Life Coaching Promotions Life Coaching discounts

Regular promotions and discounts are also available, such as even discount packages, payment plans or seasonal offers.

With preparation and detailed consultation, everyone can choose the package that best suits their needs and possibilities.

Life or Life Coaching Case studies and success stories

Life Coaching Case studies and success stories

Through real cases, examples and success stories, we will illustrate the effectiveness and versatility of Life Coaching and how the process can help clients with different life situations and challenges to move forward and find solutions to their problems. Examples are given to validate and illustrate the process.

Some examples:

"New careers over 40"

Klára egy sikeres, de egyre kevésbé motivált bankár volt, aki úgy érezte, ki akar lépni a szakmából. A coaching és a tanácsadás segítségével feltárta valódi érdeklődési köreit és értékeit. A Coaching folyamatban lépésről-lépésre megtervezte az átállást, és ma boldog tulajdonosa egy virágboltnak.

"Redesigning the retirement years"

Béla had a crisis after his retirement. He felt lost and aimless in his new life situation. The process helped him to find new hobbies, take care of his health and focus on family relationships. Today she lives an active and contented life.

"Saving a marriage instead of breaking up"

Zsuzsanna és Sándor már a váláson gondolkodtak, annyira elhidegültek egymástól. A páros és individual coaching és mediáció során sikerült feltárni a fő problémákat és megoldásokat találni rájuk. Ma újra virágzik a kapcsolatuk.

"From business to motherhood"

Jasmine was an up-and-coming entrepreneur who was successful in her career but burnt out and neglected her personal life. Counselling has helped her to balance her priorities and she now spends most of her time with her daughter while running her business.

To summarise the above

Life Coaching's

We have described in detail what this personalised life and lifestyle coaching process is really for. We have seen that it can provide effective support for almost any life situation or challenge and can guide the client through the process of finding their own solution or goal.

Whether it's career, self-confidence, personal development, health, relationships or life goals, a supportive coaching and mentoring relationship can help you find the right solutions, step by step.

Through the examples and case studies presented, we were able to see the versatility of the process and how coaching can bring about lasting, positive changes in the lives of clients.

So if you are facing obstacles, difficulties in any area of life, or simply want to live more consciously and purposefully - feel free to use this service!

By choosing the right package and structure, you can make the investment of a lifetime for your happiness, balance and full development.

Contact us now to arrange a consultation! We will be happy to provide you with further information and a personalized offer for our future cooperation.

We welcome you to start your journey towards a fuller, more balanced life!

Life / Lifestyle or Life Coaching Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Life Coaching Life / Life Coaching or Life Coaching Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This section contains a complete FAQ that answers the most common questions about the service - whether it's about duration, costs, payment methods, online/offline options or professional background. We aim to provide detailed, comprehensive information.

How long does the life coaching process take?

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The length of the overall programme will depend largely on the objectives set and the package used. Short packages of 1-3 months focus on targeted challenges. The 6-month programmes allow for more holistic changes, while the annual package provides deep, lasting transformation in several areas of life.

Is discretion and personal data protection ensured throughout the coaching process? Coach Online Coach, business coach Executive Coaching Leadership Coaching CoachLab Logo Logo Coaching Life Coaching Life Coaching Executive Coaching Leadership Consulting sales coach sales coaching online coachinf consulting online consulting executive consulting

To the maximum! The coach-client or consultant-client relationship is based on trust, so complete confidentiality, privacy and data protection are guaranteed.

Do I have to pay the full amount of the coaching in advance?

In full, yes, but we also offer flexible payment schemes. Short packages must be paid in one lump sum in advance. Longer packages can be paid in instalments on an agreed basis to avoid a large one-off burden.

Is the coaching process online or in face-to-face meetings?

Both forms are available according to the customer's needs. Personal presence is only available at our offices in the capital or other locations in the capital (cafés, walk-in coaching...). But coaching and consultations can also be conducted in the form of online video calls.


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