The Sales Coach supports the salesperson, the manager and the sales team in unblocking their stuck points.
It will support your development, sales processes, motivation and help you achieve your goals faster and more effectively.
Customer satisfaction, Customer relations, Networking
Confidence, Motivation and Time Management
Performance, Growth and the Team
How a coachlab Sales Oriented COACH works
With tailored strategies, deep industry expertise and unwavering reliability, we support and deliver proven transformational results for our clients, the coachees, to drive business success.
Certified Coach: MCSZSZ-2017/1533-24-MC
Sales Coach - Sales Coaching
Let's Unleash Business Potential Together!
Long-term Clients
Customer satisfaction
Developing effective communication and customer relationships, listening and understanding more actively to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Efficiency & Loyalty
Confidence & Motivation
Sales Coach helps increase motivation and confidence among salespeople, helping them to achieve more effective sales results.
Efficiency & Success
Goals & Results
The Sales Coach and the Sales Coaching tools to support you in targeting, developing and achieving sales results.
Let's Work Together - Coach - Coaching
As a coach, we work successfully with all sizes and types of companies and clients.
Negotiation Skills
The Sales Coach its role in perfecting negotiation skills by creating the ideal basis for successful business transactions.
Teamwork and Motivation
Group Sales Coaching focuses on strengthening teamwork and motivation, promoting concerted efforts, supporting the achievement of the set goal.
Focus and Objective
A successful Sales Coach helps salespeople focus on their goals, and can effectively support and help them find their own path to success.
The CoachLab Commercial Coach Profile of
Róbert Radó - Sales Coach
Senior Manager, Regional Sales Director, Sales & Executive Coach
My passion is Customers, Customer Satisfaction, people in general, the Coaching based Sales Leadership and the Coaching. (Executive, Business, and Sales alike).
I have learnt, done and experienced an extraordinary amount to Coachinggal To support my clients and help them become the people they want to be.
So Leader and Coach I am someone who, not only says it, but does it. I coach people who want to do, want to change and want to make a difference and have decided that they want to! Along these lines, I support their transformation, - according to their own direction and depending on their goals, mostly - into even better, more successful people.
* Member of the Hungarian Coach Association
* Member of the Communication Advisory Board of the Association of Hungarian Coach Organisations
* Certified Coach: MCSZSZ-2017/1533-24-MC
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