What is the minimum length of time you should stay in one job? Is there a minimum length of time you should stay in a job?
An annual rule???
Although the one-year rule remains the optimal careers and in terms of finding the right one, there are signs that it is no longer seen as immutable as it once was. In fact, requirements seem to have relaxed somewhat even before the epidemic, as labour market trends have changed.
According to the experts, if a job is truly awful, it can be abandoned quickly. Just be prepared to explain the quick change to future employers.
The baby boomers and previous generations have usually worked in the same organisation for a long time. The current generations have moved on from this way of thinking. While there is no clear data to support the view that younger workers jump from job to job more than previous generations, most workers today expect to change jobs more than once in their careers to advance, acquire new skills or get a better package. Job changes are more common in certain industries, such as tech.
It can help to Career coaching!?
The change of job választássá vált, és olyan, amely gyakran többet mond az alkalmazóról, mint a munkavállalóról. A munkavállalók egyre inkább olyan munkahelyeket keresnek, ahol az alkalmazottak jólléte és elkötelezettsége a fontosabb, mint egy ‘rossz’ munkáltatónál maradni. Ez a változás nagymértékben felgyorsult a járvány miatt, amikor a kiégés és az egészségtelen munkamódszerek miatti magas érzékenységekkel együtt érkezett a „Nagy Lemondás”, ami néhány munkáltatót arra kényszerített, hogy nehéz helyzetben lévő pozíciókat töltsön be.
There is now "less stigma against changing jobs or taking shorter periods than in previous years. The epidemic is a big factor that has caused many people to lose their jobs, be made redundant or quit for many reasons. Especially in the current tight labour market, recruiters are managers are more understanding of the gaps in their jobs or changes in general." (Glassdoor)
Smets (Oxford University) argues that while some stigma may remain about leaving a job after a year, the traditional ideal length of employment is about to be called into question amid a "major power shift" between employers and employees. But he also says the new employer will need to explain the suspiciously short length of time on your CV: "The critical part of the story is to make it plausible why the new job is the chosen destination, not an escape route."
What do the Recruiting Leaders "want"?
Recruitment managers want to know why you want to be there, just to get some reassurance that you will stay. They may also want to know how you left your previous job. Explain how you decided to leave a previous organisation, but still organised a strong handover and set a departure date that wouldn't let your team down - even if it was only a month away. If you can do this, you can demonstrate reliability and commitment, even if you're changing jobs quickly.
If the job you've left is very different from the one you originally applied for, that's fine. "Often, companies and hiring managers don't bother to give a realistic preview of the job, or don't do enough work to know how well they know the job and can pass it on to the employee. So the employee is expecting things that aren't, and it becomes something completely different."
I mean...
Generally speaking, if you leave a job quickly, the "key is to be honest and provide context". But he suggests that to explain a quick departure, focus on the positive themes that relate to the new role rather than diving into a deeper analysis of past failures.
Different experiences or career breaks
"If a prospective employer asks you about past experiences that you know were not ideal, it's better to keep the conversation diplomatic and focus on why you're excited about the new role or company. What you bring to a job and what you're excited about matters now, and means more to a hiring manager than what's left behind."
Hard skills & Soft skills vs. risk
An convince a prospective employer whether you're the right choice, even though you've bounced around a bit from job to job, ultimately depends on whether they believe your skills outweigh the risk of you leaving. "Employers want people they can invest in who will stay and grow within the company and in their role."