Are you drawing borders or building walls?

Drawing borders and building walls is part of our everyday lives. Healthy boundaries help us build real relationships, while walls can shut us off from the world. Self-awareness, communication and consistency are key to drawing boundaries, while fear and lack of confidence can lead to building walls. Increasing self-esteem and building supportive relationships can help break down walls.

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Are you drawing borders or building walls?

In life, we often face situations where we have to decide how to relate to others and ourselves. The question of whether to draw boundaries or build walls is not only a key issue in our personal relationships, but also in our professional lives. But are we consciously drawing boundaries or building walls?

What is the difference between borders and walls?

The concepts of boundaries and walls are often confused, but there is an important difference. Boundaries give us a healthy framework for relationships, while walls close us off from others.

You draw boundaries or build walls


Boundaries are self-defence mechanisms that help protect our mental and emotional well-being. They can be physical, emotional or mental boundaries. Setting boundaries allows us to say what is acceptable to us and what is not. Respect for boundaries by others is also necessary for healthy relationships to develop.


In contrast, walls are barriers that shut us off from others. Walls are often built out of fear or insecurity, and end up leading to loneliness. When we build walls, we deprive ourselves of the opportunity to develop real, deep relationships with others.

You draw boundaries or build walls

Why is it important to draw boundaries?

A drawing boundaries is an essential element of personal development. It helps us to see our own needs and desires more clearly, and allows us to create a healthy balance in relationships.


Clarifying and drawing boundaries also increases our self-worth. When we know what is important to us and how to protect it, we can move forward with greater confidence in different areas of our lives.

Quality of relations

Borders help us to build relationships based on mutual respect and understanding. When we communicate our boundaries clearly, others will know how to relate to us. This reduces conflict and misunderstanding.

How do we set boundaries?

Drawing boundaries is not always easy, but a few practical steps can help.

1. Knowledge of the environment

As a first step, it is important to get to know ourselves more deeply. How do we feel in certain situations? What is acceptable to us and what is too much? Self-awareness helps us to set boundaries.

2. Communication

To draw boundaries, we need to communicate with those around us. Whether they are friends, family or colleagues, it is important to be clear about what is important to us.

3. Consistency

Once we have set our boundaries, it is important to stick to them consistently. Once we break our boundaries, it sends a message to others that they are not that important to us.

4. Responding flexibly

Boundaries are not rules set in stone. Flexibility may be needed in certain situations. It is important to listen to circumstances and modify your boundaries when necessary.

Why do we build walls?

In many cases, building walls comes from our defence mechanisms. When we have been through painful experiences, we tend to build walls to protect ourselves from further trauma.

Fear and uncertainty

Walls are often built out of fear or insecurity. If we are afraid of what others think of us or of being rejected, we tend to close ourselves off. But such walls can eventually isolate us and deprive us of real relationships.

Lack of confidence

Lack of self-confidence can also contribute to building walls. If we don't trust ourselves, we tend to avoid social interactions, which reinforces the walls even more.

How to break down the walls?

Once we recognise that we have built walls, it is an important step to dismantle them. Here are some tips to help you do this.

1. Önismeret

The first step in breaking down walls is self-awareness. Recognise why we have built walls and the emotions behind them. This awareness will help you move forward.

2. Developing skills

Developing communication and social skills can help break down walls. Practise social situations to become more confident in relationships.

3. Supportive environment

Look for people who are supportive. Positive relationships can help break down walls and boost our confidence.

4. Step by step progress

We should not expect ourselves to tear down walls immediately. Start with small steps and gradually expand your comfort zone.


Drawing borders and building walls is part of our everyday lives. Healthy boundaries help us build real relationships, while walls can shut us off from the world. Self-awareness, communication and consistency are key to drawing boundaries, while fear and lack of confidence can lead to building walls. Increasing self-esteem and building supportive relationships can help break down walls.

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