New Year's resolutions: why give up? How can we be more successful?

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest New Year's resolutions: why give up? How can we be more successful? New Year's resolutions are becoming more popular every year. Statistics show that around 40% of people make some kind of resolution at the start of the New Year. However, research shows that around 80% of resolutions are already given up by February. Why is this happening and how can we change it? A [...]

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New Year's resolutions: why give up? How can we be more successful?

The New Year vows are becoming more popular every year. Statistics show that around 40% of people make some kind of resolution at the start of the new year. However, research shows that around 80% of resolutions are already given up by February. Why is this happening and how can we change it?

New Year's resolutions: why give up? How can we be more successful?

The popularity of vows

New Year's resolutions, and not just New Year's resolutions, come in different forms: the most common goals include losing weight, quitting smoking, leading a more active lifestyle and improving your financial situation. According to the American Psychological Association, most people set the following goals:

  1. Weight loss and healthy lifestyle (60%)
  2. Financial savings (33%)
  3. Quitting smoking (25%)
  4. Spending more time with family (15%)
  5. Career development (15%)

These vows reflect societal expectations and personal aspirations. The pursuit of a healthy lifestyle and financial stability is becoming increasingly important in a rapidly changing world.

Why do we usually give up?

  1. Excessive expectations: Many people are too ambitious. For example, if someone wants to lose 10 kilos in 1 month, they are likely to be disappointed if they don't achieve immediate results. In reality, safe and sustainable weight loss is usually 0.5-1 kilograms per week. The principle of "too much, too fast" often leads to failure.
  2. Lack of planning: In addition to setting objectives, it is important to develop a detailed plan. If someone says they will "eat more fruit" but does not plan when and where to buy it, they are likely to neglect it. A goal without a plan is often a sure recipe for failure.
  3. Lack of support system: Research shows that people who have a supportive circle of friends or family are much more likely to keep their vows. A 2018 study showed that group support increases the likelihood of success by 20%. People tend to perform better when others are counting on them.
  4. Dissatisfaction and self-esteem: Constant dissatisfaction with ourselves and the expectations that society sets for us can seriously affect our attitude towards vows. A loss of self-esteem can easily lead to giving up on goals if initial difficulties make us feel less successful.
  5. Excessive stress: New Year's resolutions are often a source of tension, as many people feel they "must" be fulfilled. The pressure they put on themselves often leads them to give up their goals.

Examples of success

  1. Weight loss: Sára, who wanted to lose 15 kilos, knew that sustainable weight loss required a long-term commitment. She made a detailed plan that included her weekly exercise days and a healthy diet. She regularly shared her results with friends who supported her. As a result, she reached her goal in 6 months and learned that persistence and patience are key.
  2. Quitting smoking: Jani had been smoking for 20 years when he decided to quit. Knowing the statistics that smoking cessation increases long-term health by 30%, he joined a local support group. The strength of the community helped her through the tough times and she finally succeeded. The sharing and support she experienced in the support group played a crucial role in her success.
  3. Financial goals: Anna has always wanted to save money for her travels. Last January she started a budget plan that allowed her to set aside a certain amount of money each month. To achieve her goal, she shared her plans with friends, which helped keep her motivated. She also used financial apps to track her spending, which helped her develop more conscious spending habits.
  4. A healthier lifestyle: Mark decided to improve his health because of stress at work. Initially, he only went to the gym once a week, but with the help of success stories and support from friends, this gradually became a daily routine. Today, she is not only fitter, but also much happier, having found the joy of exercise. Of course, there's no need to overthink things, a simple walk is perfect for most of us, just meet the daily target of, say, 10-12,000 steps, or who knows how many. The important thing is not to set the usual daily amount and be happy with that, but to give everyone the opportunity to be as fit and healthy as possible, for your motivation... a little bit more than we would do every day anyway, because of work or whatever.
New Year's resolutions: why give up? How can we be more successful?

How can we be more successful?

  1. Think in small steps: Instead of setting big and ambitious goals, set smaller, more achievable ones. For example, if you want to lose weight, start by setting an exercise day once a week and gradually increase the number. This approach will avoid excessive stress and small successes will gradually increase your confidence.
  2. Make a detailed plan: You need to take concrete steps to achieve your goals. For example, if you want to improve your financial situation, make a budget and keep track of your spending. Also, look for alternative savings options, such as a new, cheaper bank account.
  3. Ask for support: Share your goals with friends or family. A supportive environment can help you stay motivated. You might also look for online communities where people with similar goals share their experiences.
  4. Track your progress: Use a diary or an app to keep track of your goals. Tracking your progress will help you stay motivated and achieve your goals. It's also worth assessing your progress on a monthly basis, so you can easily identify where you need to make changes.
  5. Be patient: Change takes time. Don't be discouraged if you don't see immediate results. Sustainable change is usually slower, but more lasting. If you persevere, you will eventually see the fruits of the work you put in.
  6. Celebrate your successes: It's important to celebrate even the small successes. This could be a small reward for yourself, such as a meal at a favourite restaurant or the purchase of a new book. These rewards can help keep you motivated.
  7. Don't be afraid to make mistakes: Everybody makes mistakes, it's part of progress. The important thing is not to give up if something doesn't go as planned. Learn from your mistakes and use them as experience for your future goals.

Concluding thoughts

New Year's resolutions are a great opportunity to be better, but it's important to take the right approach. Lowering expectations, detailed planning, a supportive environment and tracking progress can all help us to be more successful in achieving our goals. Remember that change is not a sprint, it's a marathon. Prepare for the challenges and move towards your goals one step at a time. Most importantly, our goals should reflect our personal values and desires. New Year's resolutions are an opportunity to get to know ourselves better and start on a path to fulfillment. Remember: achieving your goals is not just about the end result, but also about the journey of growing and learning. Perseverance, self-reflection and continuous learning will all contribute to ensuring that you celebrate the next New Year with a successful, realised resolution.

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