Career Coaching and Employee Satisfaction in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The results of the study suggest that Career Coaching and Employee Satisfaction, Job Satisfaction and Engagement are closely related, with professional engagement being the most influential for pharmacists and pharmacy assistants. The role of coaching can be paramount in positively influencing these factors, particularly in improving leadership, communication and motivational factors.

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Career Coaching and Employee Satisfaction in the Pharmaceutical Industry


A career coaching can be one of today's most important tools for people who are dissatisfied with their jobs or want to find their place in the organisational hierarchy. The study on which this paper is based examines the satisfaction and commitment of employees in Hungarian public pharmacies. This sector is in a special situation, as staff shortages and out-migration are common problems, which also affect job satisfaction and engagement. A coaching can play a key role in retaining and motivating the workforce.

Dimensions of Job Satisfaction and Engagement

The study uses several theoretical models to examine employee satisfaction and commitment, including Herzberg's two-factor model and Meyer and Allen's three-dimensional model. According to Herzberg's two-factor model, job satisfaction is determined by hygiene and motivational factors. The presence of hygiene factors (e.g. pay, working conditions, work relationships) reduces satisfaction, while the presence of motivational factors (e.g. recognition, professional development, career development) increase positive satisfaction.

The Meyer and Allen model distinguishes three dimensions:

  1. Affective (emotional) engagement: The emotional attachment of the individual to the workplace.
  2. Continuity of commitment: The individual considers what the loss would be if he or she left the job.
  3. Normative commitment: You stay with the organisation out of a sense of duty.

Results of the Research

According to the results of the survey of pharmacy workers, overall satisfaction is above average, with the highest levels of satisfaction related to work and the work atmosphere. A Manager However, the person and the remuneration system have a significant impact on their satisfaction, which highlights the responsibility of the pharmacy manager in this process.

It is an interesting observation that professional commitment is the most important factor for pharmacy staff. Affective and normative commitment are both present, but normative, or duty-based commitment is stronger for assistants than for pharmacists. This suggests that long-term commitment is also determined by the work environment and relationships developed over time.

The Role of Coaching in Increasing Pharmacy Worker Satisfaction and Engagement

Coaching can be an effective tool for job satisfaction and engagement. A coach can help employees identify the factors that cause dissatisfaction and how they can positively influence them. A coaching for managers to find ways to improve work organisation, communication and recognition systems.

Career Coaching Steps to Improve Job Satisfaction

Career Coaching and Employee Satisfaction in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Career Coaching and Employee Satisfaction in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  1. Self-reflection and Evaluation: The first step in the coaching process is to assess how satisfied the employee is with his or her current situation and what factors are negatively affecting his or her satisfaction. In this phase, the coach helps the employee to understand his/her own needs and values.
  2. Development Goal Setting: A coach support, the employee can set development goals that can help increase satisfaction. For example, learning new skills or improving developing links can be such a goal.
  3. Developing a strategy: The new to achieve the goals of the coach and the client work out the necessary steps together. This could include improving communication with managers, managing working hours more efficiently or even exploring new career opportunities.
  4. Support and Tracking: Coaching does not end with the setting of goals. It is important that the coach provides regular support and monitors the employee's progress to ensure long-term success.

Practical examples

A former client of mine, who worked in a medium-sized pharmacy, felt that she was professionally respected, but her relationship with her colleagues and her manager was not good. During the coaching process, I was able to uncover that the root of the problem was a lack of communication and professional jealousy. During our discussions, we developed strategies and I facilitated and the coachee developed her own strategy on how to represent her own interests more effectively, while also becoming more open to feedback from colleagues. In the end, he managed to improve his workplace relations, which also significantly increased his job satisfaction.

Coaching Tools and Methods

  1. Developing Emotional Intelligence: Conflicts between managers and employees often stem from low emotional intelligence. A coaching during emotional intelligence can help improve empathy, communication and self-control.
  2. Positive Confirmation: Reinforcing recognition and positive feedback increases the employee satisfaction. In coaching, the coach supports managers in building a culture where employees are recognised for their performance.
  3. Stress management techniques: for pharmacists, workplace stress is often a serious problem. A coach can teach techniques such as mindfulness, relaxation exercises to help manage stress.

Conclusions and Recommendations

The results of the study show that Career coaching and Employee Satisfaction, job satisfaction and engagement are closely linked, and for pharmacists and pharmacy assistants, professional engagement is the most important. A coaching can play an important role in positively influencing these factors, particularly in improving leadership, communication and motivational factors.

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