Leadership development

Leadership Coaching, Executive Coaching

Personal and Business Coaching

Leadership development


The Executive Coaching gives middle and senior managers the opportunity to get the right feedback and develop. Finding the right balance between work and personal life. 

Health and Wellbeing


* Business Health Coach develops and promotes mental health. It helps build a stress-free, caring workplace culture. It supports overall well-being through proactive, personalized counseling and coaching, including online.

Coach with Coaching and CoachLab supports you, helps you to Achieve Purpose and Success.

* CoachLab's supports you to Discover your full Potential.
The potential of yourself and your team.

At CoachLab we primarily do Coaching
If necessary to achieve the goal, or if the Client requires it, we can also provide advice in partnership with the Coach and the Client.
Our clients are successful decision-making leaders who need a Coach to help them become more successful in a shorter time - with our help!
Find your ideal Coach with us!

We will help and support you, your business and your team with the right questions and agile coaching methodology

Helping to manage, eliminate and prevent stress that is developing or has already developed

New light is shed on the stumbling blocks and problems

With us you will find your own answers, individual solutions, hidden talents

To be more successful, you can develop it at CoachLab:

  • management problem solver, conflict manager
  • your communication skills
  • process organisation and time management methods
  • negotiation and presentation style
  • personal attitude...


* Coach a professional who helps the Coachee, i.e. the Client, to achieve his/her personal and professional goals. Coaching is a facilitative, supportive and motivating process in which the Coach helps helps the Client to get to know himself/herself, formulate his/her goals and supports him/her in achieving them quickly. A Coach does not give advice, but encourages the Client to think self-reflexively and to find their own solutions. A good Coach not to teach you something, but to inspire you, to inspire you, to help you become better.


* Coaching A supportive and motivating process in which the Coach helps the Client achieve personal and professional goals more quickly. During the Coaching the Coach supports and encourages the Client to think self-reflectively, to set goals and to find solutions to their problems by asking the right questions. First and foremost, it is not advice, but a joint reflection with the Coachee, the Client, so that he or she can find his or her own way and the most effective solutions for him or her.

CoachLab's (CoachLab's) Hungary's Leading Coaching website. CoachLab'sbusiness, Leadership, personal and/or online coaching, a talent development service. It helps organisations and individuals (Clients) by providing them with a truly personalised, measurable and scalable service. Executive Coaching regardless of industry, department or management level. CoachLab's a wide range of Coaching offers services to Individual Clients and Companies.

Leadership Development - Executive Leadership Coach

Strengthen yourself, your leadership potential and inspire your organisation. The knowledge and potential is within us, but sometimes we need a little help.

Employee Wellbeing and Health - Business Coach & Life Coach

It provides scope to improve the well-being and health of workers. It lays the foundations for a more productive yet stress-free life.

Talent & Performance - Sales & Online Coaching

Increase motivation, engagement, effectiveness and immediate performance through well-designed talent management

Change & Leadership - Change & Time Coaching

Change is constant, necessary and inevitable. Strategic transformation is critical to the success of any organisation

Fresh from

TikTok overuse, TikTok addiction?

TikTok overuse, TikTok addiction?

The coaching process also focuses on developing children's capacity for self-regulation. Meaningful change takes time and persistence, but developing digital wellbeing and balance will lead to happier and more fulfilling lives for your children.

However, it is important to recognise when the situation becomes more serious and TikTok use is no longer excessive, but becomes a real addiction. In this case, it may be worth seeking professional help. A behavioural therapist or other addiction specialist can help the child and family deal with more serious problems. is committed to helping families on the path to finding digital balance, but also refers families to mental health professionals in case of major problems. The proper management of TikTok and other digital platforms is key for the healthy psychosocial development of children. Contact us and discover how we can help your family on this journey!

Successful Leadership Development: the First Step to Successful Leadership

Successful Leadership Development: the First Step to Successful Leadership

Leadership development programmes are essential for successful leadership and organisational development. Taking these factors into account and developing leaders in a broad range of ways will enable leaders to raise their performance and leadership impact in the organisation to higher levels. Be open and committed to leadership development and feel its positive impact on your own leadership style and the performance of the organisation as a whole.

Effective Leadership Coaching: Development for Leaders

Effective Leadership Coaching: Development for Leaders

Effective executive coaching is of paramount importance in developing corporate leaders and improving the performance of organisations. This process focuses not only on theoretical knowledge but also on practical application, so that leaders can truly develop and become more effective in their leadership roles. Coaching contributes to better decision making, effective communication and a stronger overall performance culture in the organisation.

Developing inexperienced leaders - becoming a leader through consultancy/coaching

Developing inexperienced leaders - becoming a leader through consultancy/coaching

Leadership coaching and counselling is an important tool for inexperienced leaders to become successful leaders. Coaching helps leaders understand their leadership roles and responsibilities and develop their leadership skills. Although coaching has its challenges and limitations, it will become increasingly important in the future for leadership development and can help companies to develop more effective and successful leaders.

Developing Leadership Confidence for Confident Leadership

Developing Leadership Confidence for Confident Leadership

Leadership self-confidence is not just a personal characteristic, it is a skill that can be learned and developed, and has a crucial impact on organisational effectiveness and success. With the help of professional support and development programmes provided by, leaders can strengthen their self-confidence, which will enable them to become more effective, inspiring and successful in their leadership role.

Our Featured Coaching Sites

Career coaching

Career coaching

Karrier Coaching - Vedd Kezedbe a Jövődet Karrier Coach Segítségével!Karrier CoachingA Karrier Coaching egy személyre szabott folyamat, amely az...

Pro Bono Charity Coaching Charity Coach - Charity Coaching

Pro Bono Charity Coaching Charity Coach - Charity Coaching

Mi a Charity Coaching vagy Jótékonysági Coaching?

A charity coaching egy olyan coaching típus, amely kifejezetten non-profit szervezetek számára készült. Segíthet vezetőiknek és a munkatársaiknak fejleszteni a készségeiket, növelni a hatékonyságukat és eredményesebben megvalósítani a küldetésüket.


A „charity coaching” kifejezés általában azt jelenti, hogy egy coach vagy mentor önkéntesen kínálja szolgáltatásait, hogy segítsen jótékonysági szervezeteknek vagy egyéni személyeknek a személyes fejlődésükben vagy szervezetük hatékonyságának javításában.

From our articles on

EQ - Leaders and Emotional Intelligence: the Path to Effective Coaching

EQ - Leaders and Emotional Intelligence: the Path to Effective Coaching

Leaders and Emotional Intelligence (EQ): the Path to Effective Coaching
Today, the key to leadership success lies not only in professional knowledge and decision-making skills, but also increasingly in emotional intelligence. CoachLab Coaching Services Hungary is committed to supporting the development of leaders' emotional intelligence through its leadership coaching programmes

Staff development through coaching

Staff development through coaching

Developing and developing your people is key to the success of your business. Coaching is a unique and effective way to support the growth of individuals and teams, encouraging them to reach their full potential. As CoachLab's executive coaches, we are committed to providing our clients with tailored, effective coaching solutions that contribute to the achievement of their personal and organisational goals.

The loneliness of leadership: the weight of responsibility

The loneliness of leadership: the weight of responsibility

Sometimes the inevitable companion is Executive Loneliness. The most important thing is not to suffer from it, but to manage it consciously with the help of a coach and get it on your side.
First, acknowledge and appreciate the feeling itself, not try to "fix" it. It is instructive to stop, to go deeper, to step back from time to time. Solitude can often be a source of creative energy!
Leadership development and leadership coaching can be an effective way to overcome leadership loneliness. Mastermind groups and mentoring relationships can create a supportive environment that counteracts isolation.

Coaching against Burnout, Symptoms of Burnout, Managing Burnout

Coaching against Burnout, Symptoms of Burnout, Managing Burnout

Combating burnout is an increasingly serious problem in the workplace, with significant costs for companies and employees alike. Chronic stress, high workloads, pressure of deadlines, information overload and work-life imbalances leave many people susceptible to exhaustion and lack of motivation. Burnout not only threatens an individual's mental and physical health, but can also undermine productivity and organisational success. In this situation, coaching is an effective method that can proactively prevent or treat the symptoms of burnout through a personalised, holistic approach.

About us

* CoachLab's Face-to-face and/or Online, Agile, Leadership, Business Coaching services to helps Customers. Personalised Coaching, and provide opportunities for professional development. We support our customersto find their potential more efficiently and quickly.

We suppport our Clients' development with experienced, executive/leadership Coaches, professional and business experts, Coaches and personal development specialists who are active in the business world.

* we help leaders transform themselves into inspiring leaders. We help leaders to be more effective, satisfied, loyal and outperforming their teams and themselves.

We support you to achieve your goals faster.
Accept the Challenge. Reward and support yourself or your Team with a Coach!

coach coaching CoachLab coach hu online coach leadership development consulting

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