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Coaching Basics

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest Gmail Blogger Coaching Basics Coaching is a personal, facilitative, developmental activity. The term coach or coaching comes from sports and sports psychology, as the word originally means a coach and the technique used is based on the same principles. Both the coach and the trainer want to get the best out of their client or partner by [...]

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Coaching Basics

Coaching is a personal, facilitative, developmental activity. The term coach or coaching has its origins in sport and sport psychology, as the word originally means coach and the technique used is based on the same principles. Both the coach and the trainer want to get the best out of their clients and partners by seeing the best in them and pushing them to perform better and achieve their goals.

In all cases, the aim is to coach-The coachee, the client, should recognise his/her own strengths and talents and find solutions to his/her problems with the help of the coach's competent questions. coach does not give direct advice, does not give the recipe for a solution, because he is not a consultant, but a facilitator, a business coach.

Coaches focus on and emphasise the positives and help the client to identify strengths to build on in the future. It is a personalised, client-only creative process. It focuses on performance, goals and possible pathways to success. It does not dwell on the past, it focuses specifically on the future and helps the coachee to stay focused, staying on that direction.

How was Coaching created?

The coaching profession began to emerge in the USA in the late 1970s. Its history began with Timothy Gallway's book. 

Timothy Gallway, who loved playing tennis, one day realised that what goes on in a player's head is just as important as what happens on the court. He wrote this idea down in a book called "The inner game of Tennis". The book soon became hugely popular in other areas of life.

The business coaching started to spread in the mid-1980s. Its modern, business form was born in the 1980s and has been spreading and developing worldwide ever since.

In the 1980s, a new method called coaching started to be used in the business world. This method helped employees to professional and personal development. Managers have been able to better motivate and manage their staff through this method.

The executive coaching also began in the USA. Until the mid-1980s, the US coaching through targeted staff development provided by workplace managers they understood. This development focused on the professional, personal and motivation which the economic development of the time demanded.

The executive coaching method has remained popular and is used worldwide. Helping leaders to better understand and manage their teams and make more effective decisions.

Coaching to achieve your professional goals

The coaching is now an essential tool for personal and professional goals to achieve. But what exactly is behind this concept? How can help to coaching to unlock our potential and achieve our goals?

The essence of coaching

A developmental process in which the coach supports the coachee (client) to achieve personal or professional goals, to fulfil his or her potential and to develop. This process is not only about analysing the current situation and solving problems, but also involves focusing on the future.

The with the help of a coach make it easier to set goals and work towards them more effectively. Along these lines, the coach helps the coachee to identify and solve problems, open up new perspectives, develop communication and leadership skills, and support the personal development.

The Different Types of Coaching

Coaching is not just a single method, there are many different types of coaching that can help people in different areas. Let's look at some of them:

Executive Coaching

A process whereby leaders are supported in developing their skills. This can include learning communication techniques, stress management, effective decision-making and many other areas.

business coaching

It focuses on the development of business leaders. The objectives may be to address strategic planning, business growth or staffing issues.

Life Coaching

It focuses on achieving personal goals, be it relationship, personal development or lifestyle change. It helps people to align and achieve goals in their personal and professional lives.

Leadership Development

The leadership development help managers to lead their teams more effectively. This helps to develop effective communication, decision-making and conflict management.

Career coaching

It helps people plan and develop their careers. This could be a promotion in their current job, or even a complete move to another field.

A Coaching Process

This usually consists of several steps. The first step is to coach and coachee together they set goals and expectations. Next, the current situation is assessed and objectives are set.

The continuous communication is important in coaching and feedback. The coach helps the coachee to see new perspectives and helps to solve problems. During the process, a number of tools and techniques can be used, such as the GROW model (Goal, Reality, Obstacle, Design) or the SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). your Development Partner

The in the online world, the best coaches are available on many platformswho help clients to develop and achieve their goals. One such platform is the, one of the most outstanding online coaching platforms in Hungary.

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The offers excellent coaches, who cover a wide range of coaching fields. Be it executive, business, or even about life coaching, where everyone can find the right professional for them.

Let's look at a real case study to better understand and understand the basics of coaching

Case study #1

There was once a woman, Ilona, who was 30 years old and had four children. Ilona's life was full of challenges and stress. Raising children, running a household and balancing work were difficult for her. One day she decided to seek help from a coach.

At the first meeting, the coach asked Ilona what her biggest challenge was. Ilona said that it was difficult for her to find a balance between work and family. The coach suggested starting by changing her schedule.

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In the following weeks, the coach helped Ilona to organise her time better. She taught her how to organise her time so that she could devote enough time to both her work and her family. The coach also helped Ilona to learn to accept that she can't be perfect at everything and that sometimes it's OK to ask for help.

The coaching process Ilona felt much more confident by the end. She learned how to manage stress and find a balance between work and family. With the coach's help, she was able to better understand her strengths and weaknesses and learn how to make the best use of them.

This case illustrates the basics: the coach helped Ilona to identify her own strengths and skills and learn how to use them to best advantage. The coach did not give advice or solutions directly, but helped Ilona to find her own solutions.

Case study#2

Candidate stuck in a job interview (illustration, not a real case)

Peter, a talented computer scientist who has worked for a large software development company for many years. He is passionate about his profession, but increasingly felt that he had stopped progressing and wanted to get closer to his dreams. She decided the time had come to seek new challenges and apply for a higher position.

During the first coaching session, Peter expressed his concerns and goals. He wanted to be in a position where he could with managerial responsibility and actively participate in business decision-making. However, the problem was that Peter felt a bit lost in the interview process and found it difficult to show his true values and experience.

The coaching process we have taken different steps:

  1. Self-Assessment and Goal Setting: First, we looked at Peter's strengths, skills and experience. He turned out to be a very good problem solver, a team player and a quick learner. In terms of goals, we clarified the type of positions he is looking for, which meet his expectations.
  2. Personal Branding and Self-Assertion: We worked on your personal brand and communication. Peter learned how to highlight his strengths that are relevant to the position. He was able to share examples and case studies that illustrated his work on successful projects.
  3. Simulated Interviews: We went through several possible interview situations in detail and Peter had the opportunity to answer and practice. This helped him to enter interviews with more confidence and to present his qualities more effectively.
  4. Feedback and Development: After the interviews, we gave feedback, analysed the results and discussed what worked well and where the approach could be further refined.

This process took about six months. Peter learned a lot about himself, strengthened his personal brand and finally succeeded in achieving his goals. He managed to get a position that better matched his desires and skills.

This is a good example of how a coach can help a client to achieve their career goals and improve their interviewing skills to more effectively present their values to prospective employers.

Steve Jobs and Coaching

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Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, was known for his emphasis on coaching and mentoring. Jobs referred to the importance of coaching on several occasions and expressed this in a number of quotes.

One of Jobs' best-known coaches was Bill Campbell. Campbell, often referred to as "the trillion-dollar mentor", was famous for coaching the leaders of many successful tech companies, including Steve Jobs. Campbell considered four key qualities to be most important: empathy, honesty, courage and perseverance.

Jobs himself used the coaching techniques for managers style. He believed that innovation creates a difference between leader and follower. It has sought to get closer to its customers, so close that before they know it, it tells them what they need.

In summary, Steve Jobs appreciated the coaching and has actively used it in management style. He professed that the coaching helps people to better understand their own abilities and potential and thus achieve better results.


The coaching is an effective tool for achieving personal and professional goals. With the right coach, it is easier to set and achieve the goals you want. The different types of coaching help individuals to fulfil their potential and develop.

And not just a tool, but a comprehensive system to help people achieve their personal and professional goals. In the process, the relationship between coach and client is key. The coach supports the client to see his goals clearly and to find the best way to achieve them.

It focuses not only on solving problems, but also on helping the client discover their own strengths and capabilities. The coach helps the client to recognise his or her own potential and learn how best to use it.

Different types of coaching serve different purposes. From life coaching helps people to better understand their own lives and find happiness and contentment. Career coaching helps people to find the best job for them, and are successful be in it. A executive coaching and focuses on helping managers to manage and motivate their teams more effectively.

It can be an extremely effective tool for both personal and professional development to promote. With the right coach, it is easier to identify and achieve goals and unleash our potential.

A process whereby the coach and coachee - the customer - a close cooperation is established. The essence of this process is that the coach helps the coachee to develop personal and professional setting goals and achieve. Choosing the right coach is very important, as he or she will provide direction, help the coachee to define exactly what he or she wants to achieve and ultimately support him or her in achieving it.

Coaching is much more than advice or guidance. It focuses on individual development and allows the individual to discover and fulfil his or her potential. With the help of a coach, strengths and areas for improvement can be more easily identified and the trust that is essential for personal growth can be built.

Different types of coaching focus on different areas. For example, executive provides support to managers in their leadership develop their skills. This can be learning to communicate effectively, to stress management or even effective decision-making. Other types, such as business or life coaching, focus on different aspects, but all aim to make progress and achieve the goals set.

The choosing the right coach is therefore key to coaching to successfully start the process. It is important to choose a professional who understands your individual situation and goals. This is why it is important to seek platforms such as, where the best coaches are available, covering a wide range of coaching fields.

This process offers everyone the opportunity for personal and professional development. In this way, individuals learn to make better use of their abilities and achieve their goals. This will enable them to become better and more balanced in all areas of life.

So don't hesitate, start the process today and take one step closer to achieving your goals and dreams!

The platform gives you the opportunity to start your personal or professional development with the help of excellent coaches. Don't hesitate, tell us what your goal is and start the coaching process today!

What is coaching?

A personal, supportive, developmental activity. The term coach comes from sport, from sports psychology, as the word originally means coach and the technique used is based on the same principles.

What is the purpose of coaching?

In all cases, the aim of coaching is for the client to identify his or her own strengths and talents and use them to find solutions to his or her problems.

What types of coaching exist?

There are many different types of coaching, including life, career, business and executive or executive coaching.

What is the difference between coaching and counselling?

A coach does not give direct advice or a recipe for a solution, because he is not a counsellor, but a helper, a coach who helps you to live life in the best possible way.

What do the coaches focus on?

Coaches focus on and emphasise the positives and help the client to identify strengths to build on in the future.

What are the benefits of coaching?

The advantages include self-awareness increase self-confidence, improve decision-making and problem-solving skills.

How to choose a coach?

When choosing a coach, it is important to take into account, among other things, the coach's experience, qualifications, attitude and how comfortable the client feels with the coach.

What questions does a coach ask?

The coach's questions are usually aimed at helping the client to better understand their own thoughts, feelings and goals. Such questions might include, "What is most important to you in this situation?" or "How do you feel about this?".

What results can I expect from coaching?

The results vary from person to person, but generally include personal and professional development, achievement of goals, self-confidence growth and a better quality of life.
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