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Results for "coaching"
Career Change and Career Planning: how can a Career Coach help you make a successful career transition?

Career Change and Career Planning: how can a Career Coach help you make a successful career transition?

Career coaching can help a lot in career change and career planning, focusing not only on career transition but also on work-life balance and leadership skills. The changes in the modern world of work are both a challenge and an opportunity. The key to success is flexibility, continuous learning and developing emotional intelligence. Remember: career change is a marathon, not a sprint - give yourself time to change!

Coaching trends in 2025 and beyond #1

Coaching trends in 2025 and beyond #1

The coaching industry has an exciting future. Technological advances, societal changes and new demands are making coaching more personalised, effective and accessible. Coaches need to continuously develop their knowledge and skills to meet the challenges of the future and to effectively support their clients in their personal and professional development.

Motivational Coaching

Motivational Coaching

Motivational Coaching Discover Your Potential The goal of motivational coaching is to help you discover your...

Privacy policy

Privacy PolicyLast Updated 03-Dec-2024Date Updated 03-Dec-2024 This Privacy Policy is the privacy policy of CoachLab...

Top 5 Leadership Skills Every Leader Needs to Develop

Top 5 Leadership Skills Every Leader Needs to Develop

The key to becoming a successful leader is not to achieve perfection in every area, but to strive for continuous improvement and a willingness to learn. Developing the five key competencies will help you to:

Navigate the changing business environment more confidently

Lead your teams more effectively

Achieve better business results

Ensure sustainable growth for our organisations

The power of listening and silence in coaching: When words are silenced, real progress begins

The power of listening and silence in coaching: When words are silenced, real progress begins

The power of silence is that it gives space for genuine self-reflection, deeper insights and conscious change. When we learn to appreciate and use silence, we not only become better coaches, but also help our clients discover their own inner wisdom and resources.

In the coaching process, the art of silence and listening is not a luxury, but an essential necessity. It is the space where true transformation can take place, where clients can find their own answers and where the deepest insights can be born.

Why CEOs, Leaders Are Alone with Their  Business Problems?

Why CEOs, Leaders Are Alone with Their Business Problems?

Managers and CEOs don't need to feel alone in the midst of their business problems. Coaching provides an opportunity for leaders to talk openly about their challenges and find solutions that really help them to improve. Sharing a CEO's concerns in confidence with a coach not only eases his or her own burden, but can also support the success of the company as a whole.

Career Coaching and Employee Satisfaction in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Career Coaching and Employee Satisfaction in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The results of the study suggest that Career Coaching and Employee Satisfaction, Job Satisfaction and Engagement are closely related, with professional engagement being the most influential for pharmacists and pharmacy assistants. The role of coaching can be paramount in positively influencing these factors, particularly in improving leadership, communication and motivational factors.

What is coaching for - The key to personal development?

What is coaching for - The key to personal development?

Coaching can be a very effective tool to support our personal and professional development. In summary, coaching can help:

In clarifying and achieving our goals

Increasing our self-awareness and self-confidence

Developing our skills

Improving our performance

Managing stress and improving our quality of life

Coaching as a fringe benefit - The most sought-after new employee benefit

Coaching as a fringe benefit - The most sought-after new employee benefit

Introducing a coaching allowance can be a significant step forward for a company in attracting, retaining and developing talent. It is particularly popular with young managers and software developers, but in fact all employees can benefit.

Coaching can help increase employee loyalty, improve performance and help "stuck" employees find new perspectives and motivation. Although its implementation can be challenging, the potential benefits far outweigh the difficulties.

Mastery of advocacy: unleash your inner lion with coaching!

Mastery of advocacy: unleash your inner lion with coaching!

Developing advocacy is a process that takes time and practice. Coaching can be a highly effective tool in this journey, providing personalised support and feedback. Advocacy is not about always getting what you want, it is about being able to communicate your needs and boundaries honestly and respectfully.

Management Coaching: It changed the lives of 80% of Fortune 500 executives!

Management Coaching: It changed the lives of 80% of Fortune 500 executives!

Management coaching can be a very powerful tool in your hands if you want to develop as a leader and become more successful. It can help you see more clearly, make better decisions and lead your team and company more effectively.

Management coaching is a personalised development process designed to help managers and senior executives improve their skills, enhance their performance and achieve their professional goals.

Leadership development and coaching: The path to becoming a great leader

Leadership development and coaching: The path to becoming a great leader

Leadership development and coaching are closely intertwined areas that play a critical role in the success of modern organisations. As a personalised development tool, coaching enables leaders to continuously develop their skills and adapt to the changing business environment.

Effective leadership coaching not only improves the individual performance of the leader, but also has a positive impact on the whole organisation. Developing leadership skills leads to better team performance, higher employee satisfaction and ultimately better business results.

How does an Executive Coach help and how much does it cost?

How does an Executive Coach help and how much does it cost?

Executive coaching is one of the most sought-after development tools in modern companies, helping leaders to unlock their potential, improve leadership skills and become more effective at work. But many people ask the question, "What exactly does an executive coach do?" and "How much does it cost?" In this article, we will take a detailed look at how an executive coach can help you in your professional development and what you can expect to pay when you use this service at CoachLab.

Coach Debrecen Online: a comprehensive guide to business and life coaching

Coach Debrecen Online: a comprehensive guide to business and life coaching

Online coaching provides an excellent opportunity for professionals and individuals in Debrecen for personal and professional development. Whether it is business, life, executive, sales or career coaching, the online format offers flexibility and choice.

Although is located in Budapest, its online services are also available to customers in Debrecen, thus expanding the range of choices and options. With the rise of online coaching, Debrecen and its surroundings can join the national and international coaching circles, which can significantly contribute to the development of the region.

Coaching Budapest: A Guide to Personal and Professional Development in the Capital

Coaching Budapest: A Guide to Personal and Professional Development in the Capital

Coaching in Budapest, the beautiful capital of Hungary, is not only culturally and historically outstanding, but also offers many opportunities for personal and professional development. As one of the most effective tools for development, coaching is becoming increasingly popular among the people of Budapest. In this article, we take a detailed look at the world of coaching in Budapest, including its benefits, types and how everyone can find the best coach in the city.

Coach or Psychologist? Which one should I choose?

Coach or Psychologist? Which one should I choose?

The choice between a coach and a psychologist is not always easy, but if you know what kind of support you need, it is easier to make a decision. Coaching can be particularly useful for people who want to achieve their goals, seek self-improvement or improve the efficiency of their daily lives. If you feel that you want to move on from your current situation and need a supportive, future-oriented approach, coaching may be the right choice.

Coaching is not only a guide, but also an inspiration to become your best self. With the help of a well-trained coach, you will be able to unlock your potential and work effectively to achieve your goals. With the support of a coach, you can face challenges with more confidence and be sure that you are on the right path to personal and professional development.

What is coaching? - A comprehensive guide to the world of coaching

What is coaching? - A comprehensive guide to the world of coaching

Coaching is an effective and versatile method that supports the development of individuals and organisations. Whether you want to achieve personal or professional goals, coaching can help you increase self-awareness, develop skills and solve problems. If you are interested in coaching, you should consider trying this method and experiencing its positive effects in your own life.

Coaching by Email or Email Coaching: A Flexible and Effective Path to Personal Development

Coaching by Email or Email Coaching: A Flexible and Effective Path to Personal Development

Email coaching is a powerful tool in your hands to achieve your goals and get the most out of yourself. With you don't just get a coach, you get a partner in your development who is committed to your success.

Don't let everyday tasks or geographical distance prevent you from getting professional support! Sign up now for our free consultation and discover how email coaching can change your life!

Motivational Coaching by Email: how can it help you become more successful?

Motivational Coaching by Email: how can it help you become more successful?

Motivational coaching via email can be an effective and flexible tool for anyone who wants to develop and become more successful. Personalised support, flexibility and time efficiency are all advantages that make this service special. If you are ready to take your life to the next level, consider engaging a motivational coach via email. Remember that the biggest obstacles are often in our own minds, and a good coach can help you overcome those obstacles and achieve the life you've always wanted.

Motiváció a Coachingban: Az Eredményes Fejlődés Csúcsa

Motiváció a Coachingban: Az Eredményes Fejlődés Csúcsa

A motiváció a coaching egyik legfontosabb eleme, amely meghatározza az egyén vagy a csapat sikerességét és fejlődését. A motiváció növeléséhez és fenntartásához a coachoknak világos célokat kell kitűzniük, pozitív visszajelzést és elismerést kell adniuk, érdekes és kihívást jelentő feladatokat kell kijelölniük, és személyre szabott megközelítést kell alkalmazniuk.

Executive Coaching Cégeknek: A Karrierfejlesztés Csúcsa

Executive Coaching Cégeknek: A Karrierfejlesztés Csúcsa

Az executive coaching hatékony eszköz a vállalatok és vezetőik számára, hogy elérjék teljes potenciáljukat és növekedést érjenek el. Az executive coaching segít a vezetőknek fejleszteni képességeiket, növelni hatékonyságukat és hozzájárulni a vállalati célok eléréséhez. Ha szeretnéd megtapasztalni az executive coaching előnyeit, érdemes megfontolni egy tapasztalt coach bevonását.

Mental health and fantastic coaching: The path to self-improvement and a balanced life

Mental health and fantastic coaching: The path to self-improvement and a balanced life

Mental health is not an end goal, but a continuous journey. In this journey, coaching can be our compass, helping us navigate life's challenges while constantly improving ourselves.

Remember that mental health is not a selfish act, but a responsibility to ourselves and our environment. When we are mentally healthy, not only do we benefit, but we have a positive impact on our families, our workplace and society as a whole.

Coaching can be a powerful resource in this process. It can help us identify our strengths, develop our skills and realise our full potential. Whether it's stress management, building confidence or simply creating a more balanced life, coaching can support us in achieving our goals.

Climate Change and Mental Health: coaching the way to resilience and employee well-being

Climate Change and Mental Health: coaching the way to resilience and employee well-being

The challenges of climate change have a complex and multifaceted impact on our mental health and well-being as workers. As coaches, we have a unique opportunity to support our clients - whether they are individuals, managers or organisations - through this challenging time.

From addressing climate fears, eco-anxiety and environmental guilt, to building resilience and positive re-framing, to creating a climate-conscious working environment, we can provide valuable support in a range of areas. Through the coaching process, we can help our clients identify their strengths, develop coping strategies and find ways to take positive action.

Leadership Motivation - How Coaching helps?

Leadership Motivation - How Coaching helps?

Developing leadership motivation is a key factor in the success of organisations. Coaching can be a highly effective tool in this process, as it offers tailored solutions adapted to the individual situation and challenges of the leader. Through the coaching process, the leader can not only increase his/her motivation, but also acquire skills and attitudes that will help him/her to deal with challenges and to continuously improve in the long term.

I lost my motivation: How can coaching help?

I lost my motivation: How can coaching help?

If you feel that you have lost your motivation, coaching can be an effective tool to regain it. An individual approach and personalised support can help you rediscover your passion and sense of purpose. Contact us at to work with us to restore motivation and create a successful future.

How does Coaching help?

How does Coaching help?

Coaching is much more than just advice or guidance; it is a comprehensive, personalised process for the development of individuals and organisations. Whether it is about achieving personal goals, building careers or improving relationships, coaching has a significant impact on different aspects of life and contributes to long-term success and well-being.

The art of self-actualisation: how to achieve your dreams through coaching #1

The art of self-actualisation: how to achieve your dreams through coaching #1

The path to self-realisation is not always easy, but it is extremely rewarding. We encourage all readers to dare to dream big, set inspiring goals and begin their own journey towards self-actualisation.

CoachLab is here to support you on this journey. Our skilled coaches, proven methods and personalised approach will help you get closer to achieving your dreams and a fuller, more fulfilling life.

Coaching is an increasingly popular method to better understand and manage emotions

Coaching is an increasingly popular method to better understand and manage emotions

Understanding and managing our feelings can give us great power. When we recognise and accept them, emotions can be valuable guides rather than uncontrollable forces. This emotional awareness and resilience are essential leadership skills in our turbulent world. It is worth the time and effort to better understand our emotions.

Motivation and Inspiration: how can we increase our team's effectiveness through coaching?

Motivation and Inspiration: how can we increase our team's effectiveness through coaching?

To increase effectiveness, it is important to develop individual development plans, improve problem solving and conflict management, improve teamwork and cooperation, and encourage continuous learning and development. Coaching is therefore not just a tool, but a comprehensive approach to help teams and organisations achieve success in the long term.

Executive coaching: The key to leadership success and effectiveness

Executive coaching: The key to leadership success and effectiveness

The demand for executive coaching is expected to grow in the future as companies increasingly recognise its value and managers recognise its benefits for their career and personal development. And advances in technology are opening up new ways to deliver coaching virtually and online.

Executive coaching is an effective and necessary tool for all managers and companies that want to grow and succeed in competitive markets. Whether you are an experienced or novice leader, executive coaching can help you optimise your skills and abilities to become the best leader you can be.

Why is coaching important in sales?

Why is coaching important in sales?

Personalised coaching based on a long-term and trusting relationship is extremely valuable in the sales field. It helps to develop a market-leading, outstanding sales team by bringing out the best in each salesperson, addressing their weaknesses and optimising their strengths. A coaching programme is an investment that pays off many times over in improved sales performance and increased revenues.

In summary, coaching in sales is of paramount importance in developing the skills of teams, increasing motivation and strengthening organisational culture. Companies that invest in sales coaching programmes gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Executive coaching 2024: The key to professional development in the 2024 labour market

Executive coaching 2024: The key to professional development in the 2024 labour market

If you're ready to take the next step to become a great leader, but unsure how, executive coaching is for you. Working with a coach (e.g. CoachLab ) is not just an investment in your future. It is a commitment to grow, develop and strive to be your best self. And you deserve it.

Through executive coaching, you can develop your self-awareness, discover your hidden potential and advance your career. In 2024, when the job market is changing rapidly, executive coaching is the tool that can help you not only keep up, but stay ahead of the changes.

Inclusion and Coaching

Inclusion and Coaching

The combination of inclusion and coaching can be an effective tool to promote personal and organisational development. Creating an inclusive environment and using coaching techniques contributes to better collaboration, innovation and business results. By providing support and development for individuals and teams, inclusion and coaching can help to create a diverse and inclusive workplace culture.

Business Coaching: The SME Challenge and Secret Weapon

Business Coaching: The SME Challenge and Secret Weapon

Large companies are slow to transform. But SMEs, with the right coaching support, can be quick to adapt.

In this new era, the business coach is not just a consultant. He or she is the co-creator of the entrepreneur, helping to connect the dots in a seemingly chaotic business landscape. He doesn't give ready answers, but asks questions and provides tools to help entrepreneurs discover their own genius.

And it is this genius, this adaptive intelligence, that makes SMEs the real catalysts of the economy.

The Growing Role of Remote Work / Telecommuting Coaching: How to Maximize the Effectiveness of Remote Work?

The Growing Role of Remote Work / Telecommuting Coaching: How to Maximize the Effectiveness of Remote Work?

Teleworking is not just a temporary solution, it is the future of work. But to realise its full potential, new skills and attitudes are needed. Remote work coaching provides essential support - whether it's for individual productivity, team leadership or transforming corporate culture.

As we move forward into the digital work environment, remote work coaching is becoming a necessity, not a luxury. Those organisations and individuals who invest in this development will not only survive, but thrive in the new normal.

Burnout Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes and Solutions

Burnout Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes and Solutions

Burnout is a serious challenge in the modern workplace, but it can be prevented and managed with the right strategies and interventions. It is important that both individuals and organisations recognise the signs of burnout and take steps to reduce stress and improve employee wellbeing. Self-care, a supportive work environment and appropriate stress management techniques can all contribute to the prevention and management of burnout.

Coaching as a Benefit: An Effective Tool for Employee Development

Coaching as a Benefit: An Effective Tool for Employee Development

The use of coaching as a benefit is not just a trend, but a strategic tool that has a positive long-term impact on the success of companies and employee satisfaction. The examples mentioned above also demonstrate that the introduction of coaching programmes contributes significantly to improving organisational culture, stimulating innovation and achieving corporate goals.

Coaching as a benefit, i.e. coaching as a benefit from companies to their employees, is becoming increasingly popular among companies and employees, even in Hungary. This method not only supports the individual development of employees, but can also significantly increase company performance.

Benefits of Coaching for Startups

Benefits of Coaching for Startups

Coaching can help start-ups in a number of ways, from strategic management to personal development, building agility and ensuring sustainable growth. Coachlab is committed to helping startups in these challenging times and supporting them to achieve their goals and realise their dreams. Don't miss the opportunity to be among the best - contact us with confidence and take your business to the next level!

Strategic Communication - How do we effectively communicate our company strategy?

Strategic Communication - How do we effectively communicate our company strategy?

Successful communication of corporate strategy is essential to the growth and success of a company. Coaching can help leaders deliver strategic messages simply and clearly, set measurable goals, and continually communicate and seek feedback. Visual aids, events and workshops, as well as support for individual development, all contribute to a team's better understanding and acceptance of strategic goals.

Let's use coaching and the methods presented here to make your company's strategy clear and motivating for everyone, ensuring long-term success and growth!

Solution Focused Coaching: Effective Support for Personal and Professional Development

Solution Focused Coaching: Effective Support for Personal and Professional Development

Solution-focused coaching is a powerful tool for personal and professional development, change and growth in all areas of life. By focusing on strengths and future goals, clients can achieve their goals quickly and effectively. Whether applied at the individual, group or organisational level, SFC's methods and tools help clients to find the best solutions to their challenges.

Benefits of Executive Coaching

Benefits of Executive Coaching

Executive coaching is a powerful tool to help leaders in their personal and professional development. Benefits include improved performance, better decision making, emotional intelligence, better communication, stress management, goal setting and achievement, innovation and conflict management. Coaching not only benefits individual leaders, but also contributes to the long-term success of organisations. Executive coaching is an investment in the future that pays off for leaders and organisations alike.

Increasing staff loyalty through coaching

Increasing staff loyalty through coaching

Employee loyalty is a key factor in ensuring the long-term success of a company. Coaching is a powerful tool that can help increase employee loyalty by improving personal and professional skills, increasing self-confidence and satisfaction, and improving workplace relationships and communication. Specific coaching methods such as individual and group coaching, 360-degree feedback, mentoring programmes and skill development workshops can all contribute to increasing loyalty. The positive impact of coaching is not only reflected in the loyalty of employees, but also in the development of the company culture.

Communication within the team not working? Coaching can help.

Communication within the team not working? Coaching can help.

Communication within the team is essential for effective teamwork and the success of the company. When communication is not working properly, it can cause serious problems, but coaching can be an effective tool to improve the situation. Coaching can help team members develop their communication skills, improve self-awareness and manage conflict more effectively. With the support of a coach, the team can better understand each other, increase trust and openness, and improve team dynamics.

CEO Coaching

CEO Coaching

CEO coaching is an effective tool for managers to develop their skills, improve their decision-making and contribute to the success of the company. Through the coaching process, leaders gain deeper self-awareness, a better understanding of their role, and the ability to communicate and lead their teams more effectively. Choosing the right coach and taking a personalised approach ensures that coaching makes a real contribution to long-term success. And the results are not only reflected in the personal development of managers, but also in the performance of the company.

Walking Coaching: The Harmony of Movement and Mental Development

Walking Coaching: The Harmony of Movement and Mental Development

Walk-in coaching is therefore a versatile and flexible tool that can help achieve individual and organisational goals in many areas. At we are committed to introducing and applying this innovative method for the development of our clients.

The Silicon Valley Coaching

The Silicon Valley Coaching

The Silicon Valley Coaching
Silicon Valley is the world's innovation capital, where the wildest entrepreneurial dreams can become reality. But what is the key to success in this competitive ecosystem? The answer lies in large part in the Valley's coaching culture.

Coaching in Silicon Valley is not just advice, it is a proactive, hands-on approach to bringing innovative ideas to fruition. The valley's most respected coaches act as true mentors and inspirational forces to help ambitious entrepreneurs realise their dreams.

Effective Life Management: a guide to a successful and balanced life

Effective Life Management: a guide to a successful and balanced life

Life management is a continuous development process that includes goal setting, time management, personal development, healthy living, relationships and community life. By taking these areas into account, we can increase our chances of living a successful and balanced life. If you feel you are having difficulties with life skills, you may want to consider seeing a life coach to help you set and achieve your goals.

CoachLab's life coaching services can help you find your own life coaching strategy and achieve the results you want. For more information, visit

Successful Leadership Development: the First Step to Successful Leadership

Successful Leadership Development: the First Step to Successful Leadership

Leadership development programmes are essential for successful leadership and organisational development. Taking these factors into account and developing leaders in a broad range of ways will enable leaders to raise their performance and leadership impact in the organisation to higher levels. Be open and committed to leadership development and feel its positive impact on your own leadership style and the performance of the organisation as a whole.

Effective Leadership Coaching: Development for Leaders

Effective Leadership Coaching: Development for Leaders

Effective executive coaching is of paramount importance in developing corporate leaders and improving the performance of organisations. This process focuses not only on theoretical knowledge but also on practical application, so that leaders can truly develop and become more effective in their leadership roles. Coaching contributes to better decision making, effective communication and a stronger overall performance culture in the organisation.

Developing inexperienced leaders - becoming a leader through consultancy/coaching

Developing inexperienced leaders - becoming a leader through consultancy/coaching

Leadership coaching and counselling is an important tool for inexperienced leaders to become successful leaders. Coaching helps leaders understand their leadership roles and responsibilities and develop their leadership skills. Although coaching has its challenges and limitations, it will become increasingly important in the future for leadership development and can help companies to develop more effective and successful leaders.

Developing Leadership Confidence for Confident Leadership

Developing Leadership Confidence for Confident Leadership

Leadership self-confidence is not just a personal characteristic, it is a skill that can be learned and developed, and has a crucial impact on organisational effectiveness and success. With the help of professional support and development programmes provided by, leaders can strengthen their self-confidence, which will enable them to become more effective, inspiring and successful in their leadership role.

Staff development through coaching

Staff development through coaching

Developing and developing your people is key to the success of your business. Coaching is a unique and effective way to support the growth of individuals and teams, encouraging them to reach their full potential. As CoachLab's executive coaches, we are committed to providing our clients with tailored, effective coaching solutions that contribute to the achievement of their personal and organisational goals.

Coaching against Burnout, Symptoms of Burnout, Managing Burnout

Coaching against Burnout, Symptoms of Burnout, Managing Burnout

Combating burnout is an increasingly serious problem in the workplace, with significant costs for companies and employees alike. Chronic stress, high workloads, pressure of deadlines, information overload and work-life imbalances leave many people susceptible to exhaustion and lack of motivation. Burnout not only threatens an individual's mental and physical health, but can also undermine productivity and organisational success. In this situation, coaching is an effective method that can proactively prevent or treat the symptoms of burnout through a personalised, holistic approach.

5 Effective Tactics for Higher Revenue - Sales Coaching Tips

5 Effective Tactics for Higher Revenue - Sales Coaching Tips

Increasing revenue can be challenging, but with the right strategy and tactics it can be achieved. By focusing on customer insight, relationship building, value focus, counter-argument management and confident propositioning, you can increase revenue and build a successful sales team. Through ongoing sales coaching, training, motivation, providing the right tools and technology, building customer loyalty, reviewing and seeking new opportunities, you can achieve sustainable growth.

Leadership Effectiveness: how Executive Coaching helps?

Leadership Effectiveness: how Executive Coaching helps?

Masters of Leadership Effectiveness and Leadership Communication

Coaching helps managers learn to communicate more effectively with their team and other departments. Empathy and effective feedback are key to motivating teams and increasing productivity. During one-to-one coaching sessions, managers learn practical ways to improve communication and deliver messages effectively.



CoachLab Life Coaching Prices

CoachLab is a recognised life coaching centre. We have experienced coaches with a university degree in coaching to help and support you on your journey and in achieving your goals. We offer competitive prices for our high quality services.
We can provide online coaching at a price of 20.000-40.000 HUF/hour. Our face-to-face consultations range from 25.000-60.000 Ft per hour.

You can find more details about our prices and packages on our website (

You can read more about Life Coaching services on our website Life Coaching - Life Coach - Life Coaching - CoachLab

For prices and other types of coaching, please visit our Coaching Prices - Coaching Fees, Prices, Hourly Rates, Coach Prices (

Life Coaching - Life Coaching - Life Coach

Life Coaching - Life Coaching - Life Coach

What is a Life Coach or who and what does a Life Coach do?

A Life Coach is a professional who helps people to set and achieve their personal and professional goals, improve their quality of life, and find the right balance between different areas of life, such as work and private life.

So the coach usually motivates you to move forward and find a solution by asking supportive, helpful questions. Often it is important that they first help you find and rebuild the motivation and self-confidence that will lead you on the path to progress. They even support you in developing strategies and help you to implement changes as you progress.

Don't swim alone! Executive coaching for more confident leadership

Don't swim alone! Executive coaching for more confident leadership

CEO coaching, also known as executive coaching, is not only for the benefit of executives in large companies. Small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) managers can also benefit from this service, as they too need effective leadership and continuous development. In many cases, SME managers have a broader remit than managers in large companies, so coaching can help them to better manage day-to-day challenges and adapt to a changing market environment.

Motivation in Sales - Sales Coaching Session

Motivation in Sales - Sales Coaching Session

The following topic is a very simplified and shortened version of a Sales Coaching discussion. Through a case study, it is a sample to help you understand some of the basics of how a coach works and supports.

Erika, a successful salesperson, feels very demotivated, she has lost her motivation. Her work no longer fills her with the joy and commitment it used to. So she calls on Zoltan, a sales coach, to help her regain her motivation and commitment to her work.

Individual Coaching for Leaders

Individual Coaching for Leaders

Individual Coaching is a personalised development process that helps a person achieve their personal and professional goals. During coaching, a trained coach helps a person identify and develop the skills needed, solve problems and achieve goals.

The Coaching Process is personalised and tailored to the person's needs and goals. During coaching, the coach and the person work together to understand the person's needs and develop a development plan.

In the Coaching Series, the coach helps the person to achieve goals, solve problems and develop. Individual coaching enables the person to get to know themselves better, develop their skills, improve their relationships and achieve their personal and professional goals.

The effectiveness and importance of executive coaching in modern organisations

The effectiveness and importance of executive coaching in modern organisations

Organisations are constantly having to adapt to market demands and need effective leaders. Executive coaching is becoming increasingly popular in organisations as a means of developing leadership skills and improving organisational performance. In this paper, we analyse in detail the concept, importance, process, benefits and challenges of executive coaching.

Coaching Prices, Coaching Fees, Coaching Hours - 2025

Coaching Prices, Coaching Fees, Coaching Hours - 2025

The price of coaching can vary depending on a number of factors, but in general, a 60-minute coaching session can cost between HUF 15 000 and HUF 300 000.
Prices per type of coaching:
Executive coaching rates:
Business Coaching prices:
Sales Coaching prices:
Business Health Coaching Rates:
Online Coaching prices:
Life Coaching prices:
SEO Coaching prices:
Coaching-Mediation prices:
Factors affecting coaching prices

Benefits of Coaching for HR Managers: insights from the expertise of

Benefits of Coaching for HR Managers: insights from the expertise of

Human resource (HR) managers play a key role in the success of organisations. They are responsible for recruiting, retaining and developing talent as the labour market changes ever more rapidly. Coaching is a powerful tool that HR leaders can use to improve employee performance, motivation and engagement, while contributing to the achievement of the organisation's strategic goals.

5 secret tricks for 10x faster sales - boosted with Sales Coaching!

5 secret tricks for 10x faster sales - boosted with Sales Coaching!

In this blog article, we will summarise the key tips from the video "How to sell anything 10x faster", highlighting the role of sales coaching in a successful sales strategy. In the video, renowned sales guru Dan Kennedy shares his five secret tricks for closing deals faster and more effectively, using the tools of sales coaching.

Sales Coaching Budapest and Online: the Key to Successful Business Performance

Sales Coaching Budapest and Online: the Key to Successful Business Performance

Sales coaching is not just a new trend in the corporate world; it is one of the most effective tools for managers and sales professionals to increase sales results and improve business performance.

As a dynamic business centre, Budapest is an ideal location for sales coaching excellence and development. But in Hungary, or outside the country for that matter, the Online Coaching facility also works extremely well.

Executive Coaching Leadership Coaching

Executive Coaching Leadership Coaching


Executive Coaching is a professional development process designed specifically for senior managers. 


Improving performance: executive coaching helps leaders identify areas for improvement and offers concrete strategies to achieve outstanding results.

Developing leadership skills: it helps leaders to learn effective communication, conflict management, decision-making, team building and other skills that are key to success.

Increasing self-confidence and self-awareness: it makes it easier for the leader to reveal his/her hidden strengths and weaknesses, boosting his/her confidence in critical situations.

The process

Personalised: the coach tailors coaching sessions to the leader's specific needs, strengths, weaknesses and goals.

Based on partnership: the coach and the manager develop a relationship of trust, which is essential for honest and effective work.

Goal-oriented: the coaching process is structured around specific goals.

Not therapy: executive coaching is not about resolving personal trauma or deep emotional problems.

5 surprising benefits of executive coaching

5 surprising benefits of executive coaching

Executive coaching aims to support the personal and professional development of managers.
Executive coaching (or leadership coaching) is becoming an increasingly popular tool to support the personal and professional development of managers. While coaching is most often motivated by specific challenges or changing labour market expectations, there are also a number of 'hidden' benefits that can improve the performance, satisfaction and impact of managers on the organisation as a whole.

Career coaching

Career coaching

What is career coaching and what is career counselling? Personalised Processes that focus on your Individual Needs.

These processes will help you explore, plan and achieve your Professional Goals.

While Counselling often gives specific advice and guidance, Coaching focuses more on finding your own solutions.

Who is a Career Coach? The person who helps you find the Best Solutions for your Future and Career.

Online coaching in Hungary

Online coaching in Hungary

Online coaching is becoming increasingly popular in Hungary, and for good reason. Modern lifestyles bring challenges and people increasingly need solutions that adapt to their lives. Online coaching offers just that: flexibility, convenience and efficiency.

Online Coaching - Online Coach

Online Coaching - Online Coach

Online Coaching means that Clients work with their Coach via the internet instead of meeting in person. Coaches and Online Coaches help Clients to achieve their goals by providing guidance and support individually or in groups. This can be done digitally, through online solutions, video calls, chat, online forums or email.
According to McKinsey research, also published in the Harvard Business Review, 75% of workers say traditional on-the-job training is ineffective. In addition, we forget very quickly what we learn in such training and very few, barely 12%, apply what we learn in traditional on-the-job training.

Coaching, on the other hand, supports our development in a non-traditional way. In Coaching, as in Online Coaching, the Coach helps the Coachee to develop their own solution. This will make it an order of magnitude more effective, more permanent solution and, thanks to the own solution, it will actually be one that we apply and actually use effectively in our daily work.

The pitfalls of executive coaching: How to avoid them!

The pitfalls of executive coaching: How to avoid them!

The pitfalls of executive coaching: How to avoid them!

Executive coaching is a process whereby a coach helps a leader to achieve his or her goals, develop and become more effective. Coaching is an effective method for leadership development, but there are pitfalls to avoid.
So avoid it:

1. Don't expect a miracle!
2. Choose the right coach!
3. Set clear goals!
4. Be honest!
5. Be open to new experiences!
6. Be consistent!
7. Don't give up! 8. Enjoy the process!

The five fastest growing coaching segments (5+1)

The five fastest growing coaching segments (5+1)

The five fastest growing coaching segments ( 5+1 🙂
Coaching is a process in which a trained professional, the coach, helps another person, the coachee, to achieve their goals. Coaching can be used in many areas, including career, personal development, health and relationships.

Coaching has become increasingly popular in recent years and this trend is set to continue in the coming years. There are many reasons for this, including:
In a rapidly changing world, people need to learn to adapt and evolve.

Coaching is an effective way to help people achieve their goals.

Coaching is an affordable option available to anyone.

Top 15 coaching trends in 2022, 2023, 2024

Top 15 coaching trends in 2022, 2023, 2024

The 15 biggest trends in coaching in 2022 - 2024:
1. Coaching is increasingly embedded in corporate culture.
2. Coaching is increasingly using technology.
3. Coaching is becoming increasingly holistic.
4. Coaching is increasingly focused on change management.
5. Coaching is increasingly focused on community building.
Other trends

How can coaching help you develop? Personal and professional growth and development?

How can coaching help you develop? Personal and professional growth and development?

How can coaching help personal and corporate growth and development?

Coaching can help personal and corporate growth and development in a number of ways, including:

Helping you set and achieve goals: a coach can help you clarify your goals and develop a plan to achieve them. It can also provide support, encouragement and help along the way.

Helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses: a coach can help you understand your strengths and weaknesses, so you can focus on developing your strengths and overcoming your weaknesses.

Helping you to develop new skills and knowledge: a coach can help you to learn new skills and knowledge that will help you achieve your goals.

Coaching for Mindful Leadership - application and challenges

Coaching for Mindful Leadership - application and challenges

Coaching leadership is a leadership approach that integrates coaching principles and methods into everyday leadership practice. A coaching approach means that the leader does not just give instructions and assign tasks, but also takes on a supportive and developmental role. This kind of leader facilitates the personal and professional development of team members, helps them to find solutions and supports them on their way to achieving their goals.
In other words, coaching is a style of leadership in which the leader treats his or her employees as partners and helps them to achieve their personal and professional goals. Leaders with a coaching approach strive to unleash the potential of their employees and to become more successful themselves.

Sales Coach: the secret weapon in sales

Sales Coach: the secret weapon in sales

In an ever-changing environment, sales coaching is becoming increasingly important. A Sales Coach is a professional who helps salespeople, sales managers, salespeople to develop and succeed.

Why use Coaching?

Why use Coaching?

Coaching can help clients to develop personally and professionally. A coach can help a client to understand their strengths and weaknesses and develop the skills and knowledge they need to achieve their goals.
Coaching helps us to better understand our own strengths and weaknesses. This makes it easier to identify and achieve personal goals.
For example, a client who wants to improve their communication skills might use coaching to help them learn how to communicate more effectively.

How can coaching help to develop self-awareness?

How can coaching help to develop self-awareness?

Coaching is a process that helps people to achieve their goals, develop and change. And self-awareness is one of the most important keys to coaching. When we better understand ourselves, we better understand our goals, strengths and weaknesses. This helps us to make the right choices and to achieve our goals.

Benefits of Sales Coach and Sales Coaching

Benefits of Sales Coach and Sales Coaching

Benefits and features of Sales Coaching?

An effective development method that specifically targets sales teams and sales managers. This process involves the help of experienced and skilled coaches who work closely with salespeople to help them achieve their goals and develop their sales skills.

Who is the Sales Coach?

A sales coach is not a trainer or mentor; rather, he or she is a professional who specialises in specific sales challenges and helps salespeople and sales managers achieve their goals by focusing on personal development plans. You need a wide range of knowledge about sales processes, market trends and motivation management to provide the most effective coaching questions to help your client move forward in their goals and objectives.

Business Health Coaching

Business Health Coaching

A "Business Health Coach" is a coaching professional who helps businesses achieve and maintain a healthier operation. He supports businesses to become more viable and successful, providing them with useful advice and strategies.

Business Health Coaching or Business Health Coaching
Business Health Coaching is a specialised area of Business Coaching that focuses on helping companies to develop a healthy and wellbeing culture for their employees. This can include education and training on healthy behaviours, delivering wellbeing programmes and creating supportive working environments.

Business Health Coaching

Business Health Coaching

A Business Health Coach is an expert who provides support to people working in a business environment with a coaching approach. The aim is to improve organisational health and employee well-being, thereby contributing to increased business performance. This coaching service uses tools and methods to help individuals and groups achieve their personal and professional goals while optimising workplace performance.

Sales Coaching Budapest

Sales Coaching Budapest

Sales Coaching Budapest
Sales Coaching in Budapest
Sales Coach in Budapest
Sales Coach Budapest
Sales Coaching in Budapest is a leadership approach that focuses on the development and performance of employees. Leaders with a coaching approach use effective tools to motivate employees and improve their performance in their daily work.

Coaching Report

Coaching Report

"Coaching" means a process in which one person (the coach) helps and supports the personal or professional development of another person (the coachee). The purpose of coaching is to help the coachee achieve his/her voluntary goals, develop his/her skills and help him/her find his/her own answers and solutions.

Coach's Report

Coach's Report

The origin of the word "coach" can be traced back to the 16th century French "coche", which meant a nobleman's carriage. Over time, the term has taken on a figurative meaning, referring to a life coaching professional. The coaching profession in its modern sense emerged in the 20th century, where it provides assistance in personal development, motivation and goal achievement. Today, the word coach is known and used globally and is applied in a wide range of fields, including careers, life coaching, sport and business.

Sales Coach

Sales Coach

SALES COACHA Sales Coach supports the salesperson, the manager and the sales team in their...

Sales Coach & Sales Coaching

Sales Coach & Sales Coaching

Sales Coaching is a process in which an experienced coach, the Sales Coach, brings out the potential in the Customer (coachee), in this case the trader, to improve their performance. During the coaching process, the coach helps to define objectives, identify and solve problems, and support personal and professional development.

The SalesCoach promotes and expands your sales potential, usually by asking helpful questions, sometimes provocative ones. It monitors individual sales performance, even engaging in discussions to identify areas for improvement and reinforce the behaviours that lead to success.

Sales Coach and Sales Coaching not only focus on numbers, but also pay close attention to individual development.

Pro Bono Sales Coaching

Pro Bono Sales Coaching

Sign up for free Sales Coaching at CoachLab! Free, Pro Bono Sales Coaching Make an appointment...

Pro Bono Career Coaching

Pro Bono Career Coaching

Sign up for a free CoachLab Career Coaching opportunity! Pro Bono Career Coaching Make an appointment So far...

GROW Coaching Model

GROW Coaching Model

The GROW model looks at the growth processes and strategies of businesses.
GROW Model Components: 1. Goal:; 2. Reality:; 3. Options:; 4. Will, Way Forward:.

The GROW model is a business model that looks at the growth processes and strategies of businesses. This model helps businesses understand how they can be more efficient and increase their revenues and market share.

Coaching Basics

Coaching Basics

Coaching Basics Coaching is a personal, facilitative, developmental activity. The term coach or coaching comes from the...

Coach Budapest: from Executive Coaching to Life Coaching with

Coach Budapest: from Executive Coaching to Life Coaching with

Coaching is a process and a tool that can be key to achieving, for example, challenges and goals, and now takes many different forms.
In Budapest, a wide range of coaching services are available and it is possible for everyone to find the solution that best suits their needs and situation.

However, the question may arise: which type of coaching service would be best suited to your particular situation? The name means a choice where you can choose from a range of coaching options, including executive coaching, business coaching, leadership development, sales coaching, standard paid career coaching or even pro bono career coaching and life coaching. But what exactly are they and in what situations should you choose one of them?

Highly Effective Leadership Development Methods in Successful Organisations

Highly Effective Leadership Development Methods in Successful Organisations

In the modern business environment, the role of managers has never been more complex and responsible. The role of the keyword Effective Leadership Development Methods has become even more important, as the work of leaders has a fundamental impact on the performance, productivity and employee engagement of organisations. In this article, we explore the different aspects of effective leadership development methods and highlight the opportunities provided by

CoachLab Coaching Home

CoachLab Coaching Home

Vezetői-, Személyi-, és Üzleti Coaching - CoachLab   COACHING & FEJLŐDÉS Coach | Coaching | CoachLab  ...

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